Written by Asendia | Jan 14, 2025 1:28:43 PM
Further to EmIS 211/2024, 213/2024 and 221/2024, the designated operator of Italy, Poste Italiane, wishes to inform other Union member countries and their designated operators that BCUBE, Poste Italiane’s airmail unit (AMU) service provider, has now restored the operation of its IT systems. All EDI messages are again being sent, although occasional delays in data transmission are leading to difficulties with customs clearance processes at offices of exchange (OEs). Poste Italiane has implemented an exceptional recovery plan to enable the large backlog to be processed by its OEs, despite delays in the customs clearance process and consequent capacity/space reductions. Regarding the management of volumes arriving via air, although Poste Italiane initially intended to strictly follow the first in/first out principle, this was found not to be an effective means of quickly eliminating the backlog. Therefore, it has instructed BCUBE to forward a controlled mix of both products – backlogged and new arrivals – to OEs. In fact, if correctly accompanied by ITMATT, newly arriving mail can be processed faster than “old” shipments in the backlog. This solution ensures that there is sufficient space at the AMU to process incoming products, maximizes the production rate at all OEs, and reduces the risk of saturation at both AMU and OEs. With the aim of relieving pressure on AMU Malpensa (MXP), Poste Italiane encourages designated operators to use flights landing at Milano Linate Airport (LIN) wherever possible, or air-by-road connections to AMU Linate (LIN) from any other European airport. Designated operators willing to take these steps are kindly requested to inform Poste Italiane at the following e-mail addresses: TRASPORTI_INTERNAZIONALI@posteitaliane.it; cinzia.matteo@posteitaliane.it; and anna.lanfranco@posteitaliane.it. Poste Italiane will provide further updates via EmIS once the situation has stabilized; it thanks all Union member countries and their designated operators for their understanding.