e-PAQ 递送的整个过程都是100%碳中和,抵消了我们国际运输的所有排放,以及我们的第一英里和最后一英里合作伙伴的碳排放量,借助e-PAQ,您还可以为客户提供快速,灵活和更环保的交付。
Bali Body is a husband and wife team that had no experience of the beauty industry but has taken it by storm, with one of their products selling every 45 seconds!
Apolooks® eye nutrition provides nutritional supplements especially for the eyes. Asendia makes sure they reach every corner of the world.
Asendia handles Chilly's Bottles order fulfilment and distribution, leaving them with time to concentrate on growing the business, and they've grown massively internationally with our support.
了解Asendia的 e-PAQ 是如何